Pack your bags, we’re heading off on a
Trip Over the World….
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Heathrow to London
I’ve never found arriving at Heathrow to be as daunting as some have led me to believe – it’s all well sign posted and, basically, just follow the crowd. I need the Piccadilly Line as it goes directly to Green Park.
Herd Of Hope
A herd of elephants arrived in Spitalfields back in 2020. This amazing art installation, of 21 bronze elephants created by Gillie and Marc to raise awareness of the damage caused by poachers.
Sydney to London on QF1
Flying to London from Sydney on QF1, all booked, all packed, having decided to fly on Qantas again hoping things were getting better as Vanessa Hudson, the new CEO, had promised!! And, I have enough Qantas points to apply for an upgrade
Boxing Day Walk
A short Boxing Day walk around St James’s in London learning a bit about the history of the area and walking off Christmas lunch.
Christmas Day in London
Christmas Day in London is so much better for looking at the Christmas Lights than Christmas Eve!!
Christmas Eve in London
The Christmas Lights in London are amazing!! Everywhere you look the streets are all decorated with the most unbelievable lights.
Walk Around London
The big walk I failed to do the previous day had heavy rain, light drizzle and even some sunshine
Arriving in London
Jetlagged up to the eyeballs, I set off exploring the neighbourhood
Flying with Qatar Airways
My first flight with Qatar Arways was a big success!
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