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Zagreb Photos

A 90 Minute Dash Around Zagreb

Trip Over to Croatia

After arriving in Zagreb and checking into the super luxe Esplanade Hotel on a cloudy, but warm, spring day, we immediately set off to explore. In keeping with my plan of slow travel, and knowing we had 3 days, on day one we had a look around the area of our hotel, up through Josipa Jura Strossmayera Park to the main square. The park forms the eastern side of what is known as the ‘Green Horseshoe’ a U-shaped section of parks all beautifully looked after by Zagreb City.

The next day, again under cloudy skies, we set off walking further afield, then the rain set in, it rained all night and most of the next day, but still we persevered, with me whingeing and whining about the dismal white/grey sky ruining my photos.

I woke up on our last day in Zagreb, and looked out the window, of course – beautiful blue skies, the building opposite that houses the offices for the Croatian Railway was bathed in sunlight – it was a cool crisp morning and we weren’t being picked up until 2.30pm for the drive to Ljubljana in Slovenia. After breakfast I set off, at speed, to re-take all the photos I had taken the previous few days, and get back to the hotel in time to check out at mid-day, and of course, have a delicious lunch in Le Bistro……….

I had a plan to do a huge lap of Zagreb taking in everything I could, while keeping an eye on the time. Starting at the Botanical Gardens just up the road from the hotel, the rather drab pond now sparkled in the sunlight. The little bridge was reflected in the pond, the grass was all green and long after so much rain and all the blossoms were out. I raced on through the Gardens, coming out on the far corner near the State Archives building, a very interesting looking building with huge owls on the corners of the roof. This set me up to walk up the left side of the U-Shape of the Green Horseshoe or parks and gardens. Sitting in a park outside the front of the Archives building is an enormous sculpture of Marko Marulić, a Croatian poet at Renaissance humanist who lived from 1450 to 1524. Behind Marko, you can look across to the Museum of Arts and Crafts, which is actually far more interesting than the name implies, a great place to visit on a rainy day. Then in even more beautifully manicured gardens is the Academy of Drama and the Croatian National Theatre.

At the top of the Green Horse Shoe, in the gardens opposite the front of the National Theatre is a lovely sculpture by Croatian artist and architect Ivan Meštrović. The Well of Life, a bronze sculpture created in 1905, depicting the various stages of human life.

Now it was time to head up into the upper city. From the Well of Life walk towards the city and turn left into Gunduliceva Ul, when you reach the end of this street, turn right into the main shopping street and cross of the road, just along here is the shortest funicular in the word. It might not cover a great distance but it is a life saver. Desperately hoping I hadn’t just missed one, they run every 10 minutes, but today I didn’t have 10 minutes to wait – I would have had to walk up the steps as we did the day before, it’s a killer! Fortunately I got there just as one was ready to leave and leapt on……… the top of the funicular is a 13th century tower, Lotrščak Tower, built to protect the city. Everyday at noon a cannon is fired to allow all the clocks in the city to be synchronised.

I wanted to get a few more photos on Strossmartre, but it was break time at the high school there and all the students were out enjoying the sunshine. I will write more stories about Zagreb showing photos in this area. I went straight up to St Marks Square dominated by the much photographed Church of St Mark, built in the 13th and 14th centuries with the Coat of Arms of Zagreb and Croatia inlaid in the roof tiles.

From here I ran down to the Stone Gate, one of the original city gates dating back to the 1200s, destroyed many times by fire, still covered in soot from the last fire in 1731, it is now a very tiny church after a painting of the Virgin Mary survived the fire. You can walk through as it is the main pathway through to Radiciva Street, there will often be people lighting candles and praying.

Emerging from the Stone Gate you come to the statue of St George on his horse standing over the slayed dragon. After the slaying St George has his head bowed and helmet in hand, while his horse looks down at the dragon.

There are lots of small interesting shops on Radiciva St on the way down the hill back to the lower city, I passed a tour guide telling her group about an astronomically priced tie bought there by Barrack Obama, apparently everyone now wants one……!?!

At the end of this street you come to Jelačić Square, the main square in Zagreb, often full of market stalls. There is an impressive statue of General Josip Jelačić remembered for his military campaigns during the Revolutions of 1848. I turned to take a photo looking back into the square, in the background is the hideous modern building with an observation deck on the top, I did go to the top on a dismal day, on a clear day with more time that I had now, the view would be quite impressive. I think there must have been a special deal on hair dye worn by the two ladies in the foreground, I saw a lot of ladies sporting this coloured hair!!

Now it was time to race down through the other side of the Green Horseshoe and back in the direction of the Esplanade Hotel. At the top of Petrinjska St is a statue of a rather portly gentleman, in a very Churchill type stance, Stjepan Radic was an important Croatian politician in the early 1900s, founder of the Croatian People’s Peasant Party. Continue to walk down this street, then turn right and you will be at Zrinjevac Park.

Zrinjevac Park is yet another example of Zagreb’s beautiful flower beds, the park is set out with benches to sit and chat with friends, or read in the sun, a few statues, fountains and gazebos, the National Art Gallery is at the end of the park, and across the road is the main railway station. The Esplanade Hotel was built for guests travelling on the Orient Express though to Istanbul. We visited the Pera Palace Hotel in Istanbul a few years earlier, and loved it. This is what gave us the idea to stay at the Esplanade in Zagreb – we were not disappointed, it is magnificent.

I arrived back to the Esplanade Hotel with 20 minutes to spare, so I could quickly pack up in time to check out. Then relax over a lovely lunch before being picked up for the drive to Ljubljana in Slovenia.

Book a tour on your Trip Over to Croatia

Itinerary for Trip Over to Croatia and Slovenia

Qantas flight (Emirates code share) to Zagreb from Sydney via Dubai

Stayed in Zagreb for 3 nights at the super luxe Hotel Esplanade

Private Driver from Zagreb to Ljubljana in Slovenia

Stayed in Ljubljana for 10 days in an Airbnb

Private Driver from Ljubljana to Split, via Plitvice Lakes National Park.

3 night boat cruise from Split to Dubrovnik.

2 nights in Dubrovnik staying at the Pucic Palace Hotel

Fast ferry from Dubrovnik back to Split for a couple more nights in our Airbnb

Private Driver from Split to Zagreb, via Zadar

Qantas flight (Emirates code share) to Sydney via Dubai

Walking from the northern beach at Monterosso al Mare to the southern beach, on the Cinque Terre coast, there was a market setting up under the arches under the rail line and a few cafes in the square. . . #monterossoalmarecinqueterre #monterosso #monterossoalmare #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #italianbeach #travelinitaly
#manarola #manarola5terre #cinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #solotravelinitaly
In the tunnel you walk through to go between the 2 beach front areas of Monterosso, on the Cinque Terre coast in Italy, they have made a few art installations in the walls along the way. . . #monterossoalmarecinqueterre #monterosso #monterossoalmare #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterre #artinpublicplaces #tunnelinmonterosso #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italytrip
The bell tower, Torre Campanaria, in Manarola in Cinque Terre National Park. . . #torrecampanaria #torrecampanariamanarola #manarola #manarola5terre #manarolacinqueterre #manarolaitaly #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #italianhistory #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #neverstoptravelling
The main street of Manarola leading down to the water, Manarola is the next village up from Riomaggiore as you north along the Cinque Terre coast. . . #manarola #manarola5terre #manarolacinqueterre #manarolaitaly #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #boatsinthestreet #touristtown #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly
The village of Manarola, in Cinque Terre National Park, another cluster of coloured homes in a valley leading to the sea, and the grape growing terraces rising up behind them. The local wine industry still thrives as the influx of tourists that crowd into the village don't get to spill up into the terraces 🥂!! . . #manarola #manar#manarolacinqueterre #manarolaitaly #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #travelbyboat #outonthewater #seekandyoushallfind #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #neverstoptravelling #italytravel #italianadventure #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #solotravel #solotrip
After arriving at Riomaggiore Station, you then walk through a tunnel from the village to the harbour. The tunnel is lined with mosaics of sea creatures and water scenes. Riomaggiore is just a few minutes by train from La Spezia. . . #riomaggiorecinqueterreitaly #riomaggioreitaly #riomaggiore #riomaggiorecinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #solotravelingisfun #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #mosaicart #mosaicartwork #artinpublicplaces
Inside the Baptistery next to Pisa Duomo in Piazza dei Miracoli, it seems black and white marble was all the go 1000 years ago, one of my favourites now!! . . #pisaitaly #pisafieldofmiracles #pisabaptisteryofstjohn #pisatrip #pisabaptistery #battisterodisangiovanni #pulpit #pisafieldofmiracles #italianhistory #madeinitaly #medievalitaly #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #blackandwhitemarble #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
Riomaggiore is the southern most village in the Cinque Terre National Park on Italy's north west coast. Here looking down to the harbour, this was at about 9am, after 10am it gets so crowded as the people flood in, it is almost unbearable. . #riomaggiorecinqueterreitaly #riomaggiorecinqueterre #riomaggiore #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #boatsboatsboats #riomaggioreharbour #visitcinqueterre #italianadventure #italytravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme
The very ornate doors to Florence Cathedral, imagine the number of hours it took to carve these, and this is not the only set of doors, there are many, all equally detailed - it's a lost art, or is just too expensive to have beautiful things these days?? . . #florence #florenceitaly #florenceduomo #firenzecityitaly #firenzeduomo #florencecathedral #duomodifirenze #italytravel #italytrip #italianhistory #madeinitaly #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #carveddoors #duomodoors #italianarchitecture #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seekandyoushallfind
As the ferry from La Spezia pulled into Vernazza, on the Cinque Terre coast, we were all mesmerised by the efficiency of this helicopter that seemed to be bringing building supplies in from just over this hill, where the closest road is. The guys who unhooked the load were so fast the chopper seemed to not even slow down as it spun around to go back for the next load, then the same at the pick up location, it just swooped in and they were ready to hook the next load on and it flew on, a well rehearsed routine!! . . #vernazza #vernazzaitaly #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre helicopter #deliveringsupplies #vineyardsofitaly #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #italytravel #italianadventure
Walk through this little tunnel under the rock from one rocky beach to another one!! Luckily I'm not the sit on a beach type, very rocky coastline around Vernazza in Cinque Terre, Italy. . . . #vernazzaitaly #vernazza #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #geologistdream #blackrocksinitaly #undertherocks #rockybeach #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #italianadventure
The Lookout tower of Castello dei Doria, part of the 13th century Genovese fortifications to fend off attacks in the middle ages. . . #vernazza #vernazzaitaly #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #castellodeidoria #castellodeidoriavernazza #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #medievalitaly #italianarchitecture #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #historicitaly #lookouttower #cityfortifications
Looking north up the Cinque Terre coast from the breakwall in Riomaggiore. I was there in April this year, before the season kicked off, a lot of the buildings had their shutters closed, as I guess the owners are away until the season starts. There were still crowds of people coming in after about 10am everyday, I'm so pleased I was there early. Over tourism is a huge problem in so many parts of Italy. . . . #riomaggioreitaly #riomaggiorevillage #riomaggiorecinqueterreitaly #riomaggiore #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #outonthewater #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelingisfun #traveladdict #travelinitaly #neverstopexporing #neverstoptravelling #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #travelinitaly #seekandyoushallfind
Vernazza, the 4th of the Cinque Terre villages as I head north on the ferry from La Spezia to Montarossa al Mare. My plan was to catch the ferry all the way up the Cinque Terre coast, then work my way back by train, stopping in at each village. . . #vernazza #vernazzaitaly #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #travelbyboat #outonthewater #seekandyoushallfind #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme
Manarola, the next village coming into view as my ferry from La Spezia Heads north along the Cinque Terre coast. . . #manarola #manarolaitaly #manarolacinqueterre #manarola5terre #cinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #lifebythesea #outonthewater #laspeziatomontarosaferry #laspeziaferry #travelbyboat #cinqueterrecoast #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme
Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo with its spiral staircase was built in 1499, sadly it was closed for a private function when I was there.....apparently the view from the top is amazing!! Oh well, maybe next time..... . . #scalacontarinidelbovolo #scalacontarini #palazzocontarinidelbovolo #palazzocontarinidelbovolovenezia #historicvenice #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #veniceitaly #venice #venicetrip #italytravel #italytrip #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #italianhistory #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme
Inside Chiesa San Pietro Corniglia, high up on the hill looking over the Cinque Terre coastline. The church was completed in 1351 and hasn't missed a beat in nearly 700 years, and still looking magnificent. . . #corniglia #cornigliacinqueterre #corniglia5terre #cinqueterrenationalpark #lifebythesea #chiesasanpietro #chiesasanpietrocorniglia #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #medievalitaly #italianarchitecture #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #italianadventure #italytravel
Everything you think there can't possibly be any more steps, there's just a few more, then maybe just a few more!! But the view out over the Cinque Terre coast is worth it. . . #corniglia #cornigliacinqueterre #corniglia5terre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #stepsstepsandmoresteps #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #italianadventure #madeinitaly #traveladdict
The bell tower above the 13th century Church of Santa Margherita d'Antiochia in Vernazza on the Cinque Terre coast in Italy. . . #cinqueterreitaly #vernazza #vernazzaitaly #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #lifebythesea #cinqueterre #cinqueterrecoast #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #italianhistory #madeinitaly #medievalitaly #italianarchitecture #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #historicitaly #belltower
This is what exploring Corniglia is all about, lots of steps, alleys and arches. The only one of the Cinque Terre villages you can't get to by sea, this has kept it's original charm intact 🌞☀️🌞☀️🌞!! . . #corniglia #cornigliacinqueterre #corniglia5terre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #stepsstepsandmoresteps #medievalitaly #italianarchitecture #italianhistory #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #neverstoptravelling #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring
The wine growing terraces rising up behind the village of Manarola on the Cinque Terre coat of Italy, see as the ferry moves north towards Corniglia. . . #manarola #manarola5terre #manarolacinqueterre #manarolaitaly #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #wineterraces #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #madeinitaly
It was really hard taking photos of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the temptation to line it up straight in the lens is something I struggled with, having it next to a straight building helps!!! . . . #leaningtower #leaningtowerofpisa #torredelpendente #pisaitaly #piazzadelmiracoli #pisaduomo #pisatrip #pisaduomopiazzadeimiracoli #pisa #pisaitaly #italianarchitecture #italianhistory #madeinitaly #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #medievalitaliancity #historicitaly #italytrip #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives
Most areas in Italy have a statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi somewhere and Monterosso al Mare is no exception, here in Piazza Garibaldi surrounded by cafes and restaurants. . . #giuseppegaribaldi #piazzagaribaldimonterossoalmare #monterosso #monterossoalmare #monterossoalmarecinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #solotrip #italianhistory #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldwithme #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling
Manarola, the 2nd village in the Cinque Terre National Park as you head north from La Spezia. The water runs down from the hills, under the village and into the sea. . . #manarola #manarola5terre #madeinitaly #manarolacinqueterre #manarolaitaly #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #lifebythesea #outonthewater #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #neverstopexploring #travelinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly
More steps up to the Castlello san Giorgoin La Spezia.....just in case you don't feel like taking the lift and the funicular!!!! Anyone??? . . #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #travelinitaly #traveladdict #laspezia #laspeziaitaly #castellosangiorgio #stairwaytoheaven #manymanystepstoclimb #laspeziacentro #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #italianarchitecture #explorelaspezia
Riomaggiore is the southern most of the Cinque Terre villages, closest to my base in La Spezia on the Italian coast. On my first day, I caught the ferry from La Spezia to Montarosso so I could see all the villages from the water, before exploring on land. . . #riomaggiore #riomaggioreitaly #riomaggiorecinqueterre #riomaggiorecinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #lifebythesea #outonthewater #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveladdict #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #italianadventure
Look at all those steps!! Fortunately, just down the road there is a lift and funicular to get you up to where the castle is. But I suppose if you live half way up, you wouldn't want to forget the milk!! . . #laspeziaitaly #laspezia #laspeziacentro #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #steps #manymanysteps #manymanystepstoclimb #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #exploringlaspezia
The crystal clear waters at Manarola in the Cinque Terre National Park. . . #manarola #manarola5terre #manarolacinqueterre #manarolaitaly #cinqueterrecoast #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #crystalclearwater #rocksunderwater #rockycoastline #seetheworldthroughmylens #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #seeeverythingdoeverything
The Fountain of Dialogue in Piazza Garibaldi in La Spezia, I'm not too sure how I feel about it, it's different from all angles, some better, some not so nice!! It was designed for people to sit all around it next to the water and talk, I wanted to get a picture with less people......fortunately I walked through the square many times every day. . . #laspeziaitaly #laspeziacentro #laspezia #piazzagaribaldi #piazzagaribaldilaspezia #italytrip #madeinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelingisfun #traveladdict #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #marblesculpture #fountainofdialogue #artinpublicplaces #artinthestreets #traveltheworldwithme #neverstoptravelling
There she is....quite amazing really, just leaning there for over 1000 years, next to Pisa Duomo. The tower is actually the bell tower for the Cathedral. I love the way these beautiful buildings are surrounded by lawns that you are not allowed to walk on. This keeps everyone at a distance so everyone can see, not just the people leaning on the monument. . . #leaningtowerofpisa #leaningtower #fieldofmiracles #pisa #pisaitaly #pisaduomo #pisaduomopiazzadeimiracoli #piazzadelmiracoli #pisatrip #italytrip #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #neverstopexploring #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #italianhistory
The northern part of Monterosso al Mare, I had a coffee and croissant in a coffee shop on the beach front here before I started exploring. Later in the day a few brave souls were climbing this rock a jumping into the very cool, crystal clear water in early spring. The train station is down here too, where I could buy my Cinque Terre Pass giving me a few days of unlimited train trips, it also includes the bus up the hill in Corniglia. . #monterossoalmarecinqueterre #monterosso #monterossoalmare #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #italytrip #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict #italianbeach #seekandyoushallfind #clearwater
The beautiful Ponte dei Sospiri, or Bridge of Sighs, built between 1600 and 1603, to move prisoners from Palazzo Ducale to the prisons across the canal. The closed bridge is one of the most famous and photographed in Venice. You can still walk across it today when visiting the Doge's Palace. . . #bridgesinvenice #bridgeofsighs #bridgeofsighsvenice #pontedeisospiri #palazzoducalevenezia #dogespalacevenice #veniceitaly #venice #venicelife #venicecanals #venicetrip #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #traveltheworldworldwithme
Only this tower was left standing after a WWll bomb hit Villa Pastine in Monterosso al Mare, it was recently restored and is along with the broken statue of Il Gigante in my previous post are a feature of the northern end of the beach. . . . #villapastine #monterosso #monterossoalmarecinqueterre #monterossoalmare #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #italianarchitecture #italianhistory #italianadventure #solotravelinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seeeverythingdoeverything
The very detailed front of Siena Duomo, built between 1215 and 1264, in the beautiful medieval Tuscan city of Siena. The Duomo is quite the feature of Siena, both inside and out, you can't get enough of it. The tour into the upper levels really accentuates how enormous it is. If you're thinking of a trip over to Italy, Siena is a must. . #siena #sienaduomo #sienatrip #sienaitaly #sienahistory #sienatravel #sienaduomobellissimagiornata #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #medievalitaliancity #medievalitaly #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #historicitaly #italytrip #traveltheworldwithme
Siena is one of the lovliest medieval Italian cities, this is the town hall, Palazzo Pubblico with it's 14th century tower, Torre del Mangia sitting on the edge of the main square Piazza del Campo. I recently spent 3 nights in Siena, and really wish I had stayed a bit longer. I'm sure I'll go back one day to continue exploring this historic Tuscan city. . . #siena #sienaitaly #palazzopubblico #torredelmangia #piazzadelcampo #medievalitaliancity #historicitaly #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #italianhistory #italytravel #italytrip #italy #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #neverstopexploring #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives
Early morning in Corniglia, shutters are still closed, the garbage is out for collection, in a few hours it will be standing room only!! . . . #corniglia #cornigliacinqueterre #corniglia5terre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #stepsstepsandmoresteps #italianadventure
The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, this is taken from Piazzale degli Uffizi looking towards the river, the top floor is the Vasari passage that goes from here across Ponte Vecchio to Pitti Palace, so the Medici didn't have to walk amongst the peasants, or deal with smell from the butchers shops on their way between the office and the Palace. When I was here in 2013, Vasari Passage had never been open to the public, then I was very excited to hear that had changed, then I knew they closed it again to do some maintenance work and should have been open in time for my recent visit. They must have heard I was coming back and decided to delay the re-opening 🥺 Oh well, maybe next time.... . #florence #florenceitaly #florencetrip #florencetravel #italytrip #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #uffizigallery #vasaripassage #italianarchitecture #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #seekandyoushallfind #throughthearchway
Sea creatures carved into the rocks in a wall in Vernazza, Cinque Terre. Each of the villages has a quirky art work somewhere!! . . #carvedrocks #artinpublicplaces #vernazza #vernazzaitaly #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #solotrip #italytravel #italianadventure #madeinitaly #solotrip #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
A statue of Robert Wagnet in Piazza Doria in La Spezia, Italy. Wagner was inspired to write some of his music after spending some time in this town. . . . #laspeziaitaly #laspezia #laspeziaharbourside #laspeziacentro #robertwagner #robertwagnerlaspezia #sculpture #artinpublicplaces #piazzadoria #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelingisfun #italytrip #madeinitaly #sculpture #traveladdict #traveltheworldworldwithme #travelinitaly #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything
On another lovely walk out to the Marina in La Spezia Harbour, looking at the mountain range to the east. There is always something to see here, ferries coming and going, sailing boats, and all the bars and restaurants. . . #laspeziaitaly #laspeziaharbourside #laspezia #ferries #laspeziaboat #sailinglife #laspeziamarina #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #solotrip #italianferries #neverstoptravelling #bluewaterandsunshine
This fruit and vegetable shop really stood out in Riomaggiore!! Most of the rest of the village is restaurants or shops selling tourist trash, tea towels and socks all printed with Riomaggiore or Cinque Terre. I feel the whole area has lost it's charm and authenticity to over tourism. . . #riomaggioreitaly #riomaggiorecinqueterreitaly #riomaggiore #riomaggiorecinqueterre #riomaggiorevillage #shoppingincinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterre #fruitandveg #oranges #berries #bananas #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict #traveltheworldwithme
Like most Italian cities, Siena has many churches. This is Basilica Cateriniana San Domenico, still going strong after opening it's doors in 1226!!! . . . #siena #sienatrip #sienahistory #sienaitaly #sienatravel #sienaitalia #basilicacaterinianadisandomenico #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #neverstopexporing #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #medievalitaly #medievalitaliancity #historicitaly #madeinitaly
Corniglia is the only one of the villages along the Cinque Terre coastline you can get to by road, which must be an enormous help for the people who live there. . . #corniglia #cornigliacinqueterre #corniglia5terre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #viewfromthetop #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveladdict
The Fallen Angel lying in Piazza dei Miracoli near the Leaning Tower of Pisa. No he didn't fall and hit his head, he was created this way, representing the fragility of life. Who knew angels were so buff?? . . . #fallenangel #fallenangelpisa #piazzadeimiracoli #pisaitaly #pisatrip #pisa #pisafieldofmiracles #fieldofmiracles #italytravel #italianart #italiantrip #madeinitaly #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #seekandyoushallfind #seetheworldthroughmyeyes

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