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Trip Over to London

Long Walk Through London’s History

The South West East End Area!

As London is a fantastic city for walking, and the weather in early October was quite pleasant, I seemed to quite unintentionally find myself walking and exploring all day. Exploring one area then coming across something else, which led to something else, until I found myself in in 500 year old pub down by The Thames eating fish and chips.

It developed into a day of history and art, as there were many sculptures along the way mixed in with all the historic buildings. The map of my walk is here.

I started off catching the tube to St Paul’s Station, as I came out of the station looking up Newgate St, on the corner of King Edward St I caught a glimpse of a bombed out ruined church. Greyfriars Church was originally built in 1225, destroyed in 1666 in the Great Fire of London, rebuilt by 1704 and was left in its current state after a WWll bombing raid in 1940. Now a beautiful garden with flower beds laid out in the floorplan of the church. Surrounded by modern buildings and the extraordinary amount construction work going on all over London at the moment, I’m sure it is a well used sanctuary for the workers in the area.

Now, to get back on track for my loose plans for the day, I walked back down Newgate St and turned left up St Martin’s Le Grand and I discovered Postman’s Park on the left. This little park, on the grounds of the original London General Post Office HQ, houses the ‘Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice Wall’, after reading some of the tiles, they were from much simpler times before political correctness ruled the world!!

After walking through the park I turned right on to King Edward St, continued up here on to Little Britain – yes, that is the name of the street, and there I was thinking it was just a TV show of ‘Computer says no….’ fame! Apparently named as the Duke of Brittany lived here in the 1500s. I continued along Little Britain as it veered to the left and led up to St Bartholomew the Great, and its historic Gate House.

St Bartholomew’s Gatehouse was built in the 1500s above the archway that dates back to the 1300s. A fairly small Tudor style place at the entrance to the church, it was saved from the Great Fire of London by the Priory walls. Then for some unknown reason, in the 1700s is was covered over with a Georgian façade and everyone forgot about the little Tudor building – until a bombing raid in 1917 crumbled the Georgian façade away leaving the Tudor building intact as it stands today.

Just past Bartholomew’s Gate I turned right on to Cloth Fair, London’s oldest House is at #42, opposite St Bartholomew’s Church. It too survived the Great Fire which was blocked by the Priory walls and it also survived both World Wars. Built in the late 1500s, it has been a house, a warehouse, a factory, an abandoned health hazard that was saved from being demolished in the early 1900s when it was bought and extensively restored. The restoration continued turning it into the 4 bedroom house with roof top terrace, worth millions, that stands there today.

I am sure London’s oldest house is not older than the place next door, which has the same brickwork, but who am I to decide these things? The Blue Plaque on the place next door says it was the home of writer and broadcaster, Sir John Betjeman.

Back up Cloth Fair to West Smithfield I turned right and crossed over Long Lane, walked through Smithfield Market, which seemed to be closed, I then crossed Charterhouse St and walked up St John’s Lane to St John’s Gate. Built in 1504 as the entrance to Clerkenwell Priory, the HQ of the Knights of the Order of St John.

Then turning right on to Clerkenwell Rd I walked down here until I reached Goswell Rd and turned right, I walked all the way down Goswell Rd, past the Barbican, where Goswell Rd becomes Aldersgate St. I came across a beautiful old building called Ironmongers Hall, which I believe is a private club with history dating back to when Ironmongers traded in this area. I did go up to the door to find out about the building, but the doorman treated me like I wasn’t worth speaking to – maybe he was right!! But I doubt it!!! I continued on to the London Museum, only to find out it was closed, (note to self:- stuff might be closed on Tuesdays!) I just noticed as I was creating a map of my walk, it says on Google Maps that London Museum is Temporarily Closed!?!

Turning left on to London Wall and crossing the road, there is an amazing area of Roman Ruins, a few 2000 year old structures that were the original settlement of Londinium. Today really was becoming a lesson in London’s history – love it.

I continued down London Wall, crossing back to the north side of the street I came across the old entrance to Elsyng Spital, a hospital built in 1330. Now just the entrance remains after fires, a couple of world wars and the ravages of time. Continuing down London Wall, I turned left in to Circus Pl, right on Finsbury Circus and through Liverpool St Station to Bishopsgate. I crossed over into Brushfield St to Spitalfields Markets – mostly closed, must be that Tuesday thing again!

I loved all the sculptures at Spitalfields, I found another Rabbitwoman and Dogman Gillie and Marc Sculpture, along with a herd of elephants, The Herd of Hope. A series of 20 orphaned elephants and one mother, all created in bronze by Gillie and Marc, to help raise awareness of poaching and the habitat destruction they are falling victim to. Each one has a plaque telling you about their rescue.

On Commercial St I was hoping to see the Van Gogh Exhibition – but, you guessed it – not open on Tuesdays.

I walked through to Brick Lane as I had heard it is interesting – it isn’t……

I went back to Commercial St, recalibrated, and decided to head south to see what I could find. As I crossed Aldgate and continued down Leman St, I decided St Katherine Docks area would be my next destination.

On the left just past Alie St I came across The Goodman’s Field Horse sculptures made to commemorate the historic link to the Goodman family’s horse grazing land that was once here.

Lenan St eventually became Dock St, then further down it became Vaughan Way and suddenly I was at Hermitage Bay and the Ornamental Canal at St Katherine Docks, I walked along Spirit Quay next to the Canal with a couple of swans for company, then wound my way through a few lanes and right on to Reardon St, then left on to Tench St, the right on to Wapping Lane and followed that down to Wapping High St, turned left and walked along here until I came to Wapping Wall, I was deep in old London now, on narrow cobbled streets, then the Prospect of Whitby came into view, arguably the oldest pub on the Thames, built in 1520 – that’s 500 years ago!!! I had a late lunch/early dinner here, delicious fish and chips and a glass or 2 of Rosé. I deserved that after the miles I had walked to get here!

When I arrived at the top of Pelican Stairs next to the pub, the tide was so high it was lapping at the top step, by the time I had finished eating the tide was so low, I could walk down on to the ‘beach’. The stairs are named after the original name of the pub, The Prospect of Whitby as it was later named, was after a ship that was moored on The Thames out the front.

The pub is an amazing building filled with signs listing all the reigning monarchs, from Henry Vlll to Charles lll, who have reigned during the pubs long history, and signs telling stories of the pub. This all adds to the historic atmosphere. Not sure about the noose hanging out over the river……..

From outside the pub, fortunately, I was able to catch the #100 bus back to St Pauls Cathedral and make my way back to my hotel to get ready for my next big day out in London Town.

While in London you might like to visit the beautiful Kew Gardens, take a walk from Camden Town along Regent’s Canal, or be part of London’s amazing history at the Tower of London or for a leisurely day out, catch a boat up the Thames to Hampton Court

If you’re in London in Spring, visiting the Chelsea Flower Show is a must.

Read the PostCards I wrote on my recent Trip Over to London, shorter stories and pictures of places I visited.

Book a tour on your Trip Over to London

Itinerary for my Trip Over to London

Flew from Sydney to London Heathrow via Singapore, with Qantas on QF1, then QF2 to come home.

Stayed at the Royal Overseas League in St James’s.

Caught the Underground Piccadilly Line from Heathrow to Green Park.

Travelled around London using a Visitor Oyster Card.

Robertson's Lighthouse at Cremorne Point on the north shore of Sydney Harbour, and beautiful plants in the gardens on the walk, and a lovely view of Sydney Harbour Bridge....#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #robertsonslighthouse #neverstopexploring #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #blueskyandsunshine #sydneyharbour #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #sydneyharbourbridge
All the action out on Sydney Harbour last weekend🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞, this weekend it has done nothing but rain, or rain more🌧🌧🌧..#sydneyharbour #sydneynorthshore #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #myhometown #sydneylife #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #boatsboatsboats ##sydneyferries #cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk
I'm in planning mode getting ready for my next Trip Over The World. Read the new post about my planning process by clicking the link in the bio...#tripplanning #tripplanningtime #malta #sicily #solotravel #solotrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme
The Snake went up in Sydney's Queen Victoria Building as soon as the Christmas Tree came down - wonder what's coming next.....?..#yearofthesnake #queenvictoriabuilding #queenvictoriabuildingsydney #shoppinginsydney #explorethecityyoulivein #sydneylocal #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneycbd
All the decorations are nearly down as Sydney marches into 2025, walking through @theqvb on my way to work is a beautiful way to start the day, especially as it's been soooooo hot and humidity, or raining lately, a bit of air-con helps!!!..#sydneyafterchristmas #qvbsydney #queenvictoriabuilding #queenvictoriabuildingsydney #shoppinginsydney #dailycommute #walktowork #streetsofsydney #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneystreets #sydneycbd
We're all ready for Santa here in Sydney 🎅🎄🥂!! Best wishes for tomorrow - hope you're not on the naughty list!!!!#christmasinsydney #christmasready❤️🎄🎁 #waitingforsanta #merrychristmas🎄
The Chanel Christmas window at David Jones in Sydney CBD. It's been sooooo hot lately, adding snow to pics in Sydney really helps!!😉🎄☀️🎄☀️🎄#christmasinsydney #christmastree #christmasdecorations #christmasiscoming #sydneystreets #davidjones #chanel #chanelChristmas #hotinthecity #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneystyle #sydneychristmas #sydneyaustralia #sydneycbd #sydneylocal #lunchtimewalks
Sydney is Christmas ready, the QVB has the tree up. All the shopping centres have hauled the decorations out of storage and put them up, same as usual....they all need to swap decorations to give some variety 🎄🎄🎄#christmas #christmastree #qvb #qvbsydney #sydneychristmas #christmasdecorations #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneyarchitecture #decorationsup #shoppinginsydney #myhometown #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seeeverythingdoeverything
Christmas is coming to The Stand Arcade in Sydney, same decorations every year, but they always look good here 🎄🎄🎄#strandarcade #strandarcadesydney #christmasatthestrand #christmasdecorations #christmasinsydney #decorationsup #shoppinginsydney #myhometown #sydneylife #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneyaustralia #sydneychristmas #sydneycbd
On the walk around Cremorne Point cooling off after a hot day, beautiful gardens along the way...#cremornepoint #sydneyweekend #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneyaustralia #sydneynorthshore #sydneylocal #sydneyharbour #explorethecityyoulivein #sydneylocal #pinkflowers #boatsboatsboats #wildflowers #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme
It's all about eating.......🎄🥂🎊🎄!!#christmasinsydney #eatingseason #festivefoodandmood
Arriving in the beautiful medieval city of Siena, I checked into @relaisdegliangeli , a lovely boutique hotel. It felt like home 💖. Siena is definitely one of my favourite places in Italy, Made even better by this hotel, it is easy to get to from the railway station or the bus station, the staff are friendly and helpful, the breakfast is amazing!!Click the link to my website in the bio for more info on the hotels I stayed in on my Solo Italian adventure.I'm not an affiliate, this is just an honest recommendation.#siena #sienaitaly #sienatrip @relaisdegliangeli #italianhotels #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveladdict #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #boutiquehotelsoftheworld #italianadventure #relaisdegliangelisiena
Martin Place Christmas tree in Sydney CBD, seems to be a slight change from the usual covered in red and green beach balls, this year I think there are less of them, and a few pink ones have been introduced!! Come on Sydney, can we please have a new design? 🎄🥂🎅🎄🥂🎄#christmasinsydney #christmastree #martinplacesydney #martinplacechristmastree #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneycbd #sydneychristmas #sydneylocal #sydneyaustralia
Walking around Cremorne Point from Mosman Bay out to the point, with great views everywhere you look🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞...#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #blueskyandsunshine #walkinthesun #seetheworldthroughmylens #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydney #sydneybythesea #sydneynativeplants #sydneyferries #sydneyharbour
I travelled by train between destinations on my solo adventure to Venice, Florence, Siena, Pisa, La Spezia and Cinque Terre. Very easy to use, booking through @trainline I became very adept at handling my luggage on my own, changing trains and enjoying hurtling through Italy in comfort. For more info on the art of train travel in Italy by clicking the link to my website in the bio..#traintravelinitaly #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italiantrains #cinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast
On my way to the bus stop the other day, I noticed the row of trees on the main road are all this weird yellowish colour where the bark has peeled off, is this normal??? Certainly not my favourite colour!!.#sydneystreets #neutralbay #sydneynorthshore #yellowgumtree #aftertherain #myhometown #onthecommute #treesinsydney #crossingtheroad #treeschangingcolour #walktowork #sydneylife #sydneynativeplants #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
In Florence I stayed @hotelatlanticpalaceflorence , just a short walk from the railway station, and an equally short walk to Duomo Firenze, Ufizzi Gallery and Ponte Vecchio. The roof top bar at the sister hotel, Hotel Machiavelli, 50 mtrs down the street has amazing views over Florence. In the hotel foyer is an amazing vase made to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Italian Constitution in 1898. The city of unbelievable art and design starts right here in the hotel 🤩. The hotel is very comfortable, safe and serves a lovely breakfast to fuel you up for a day of exploring.For more info about the hotels I stayed in on my Solo Italian Aventure, click the link to my website in the bio.#hotelatlanticpalace #hotelatlanticpalaceflorence #hotelatlanticpalacefirenze #florence #duomofirenze #viewfromtheterrace #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #italianadventure #madeinitaly #italianhistory #italytravel #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #solofemaletravel #solofemalemidlifetraveller
This appealed to the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney. In reality it is an enormous work, but everything I see it a different size, it looks like something else. ...#artgallery #nswartgallerysydney #nswartgallery #artoftheday #artlover #explorethecityyoulivein #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #sydney #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal
In Westfield shopping centre in Sydney CBD, all sparkled up a ready for Santa 🎅🎄🥂!!#sydneyaustralia #sydneylife #sydneycbd #Sydney #sydneychristmas #sydneychristmaslights #shoppinginsydney #christmasinsydney #christmasready #westfieldsydney
Some of the stations I became familiar with on my solo Italian adventure. Siena had the biggest step up from the platform to the train, but by the time I left Siena I was quite good at handling my luggage so it wasn't a problem, and Pisa was the easiest and my visit to Pisa was a day trip from La Spezia, without any luggage!! Although I did have to change trains in Pisa a few days later on my way back through Florence to Venice....easy 🤩!!For more info on the art of solo travel by train in Italy, click the link to my website in the bio..#traintravelinitaly #pisa #siena #Florence #laspezia #italybytrain #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #neverstopexploring #madeinitaly #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #italytrip #italy #soloitalianadventure #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #italiantrains #railwaystationsinitaly #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict
A great hotel in Venice for Solo Travellers with luggage, @rialtohotelvenice is easy to get to from the railway station or the airport with the vaporetto stop right outside on the Grand Canal. The staff are all lovely and so helpful. The location is perfect, at Rialto Bridge, you will always be able to find your way back, just keep following signs to Rialto!! I had the best time there looking out over the Grand Canal, either from my room or up on the terrace, it would be so easy to spend all your time just watching all the goings ever changing happenings on the Canal.I have written a story on my website about all the hotels I stayed in on my recent solo Italian adventure, all easy to access from transport, safe, friendly and comfortable. Click the link to my website in the bio.Not an affiliate, just giving my honest recommendations..#hotelrialto #hotelrialtovenice #grandcanal #hotelsforsolotravelers #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #neverstoptravelling #italytravel #rialtobridge #rialtobridgevenice
Moments in Venice, a few of my favourite things, from sunrise to cicchetti, and everything in between 🥂💖#Venice #cicchetti #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything
Returning to Florence was an amazing part of my solo Italian adventure, I still find it unbelievable that so much creativity came out of Florence, artists and fashion designers, and you can walk amongst all the history - perfetto💖#Florence #michelangelosdavid #italiansunset #aperitivo #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #traveltheworldwithme #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #madeinitaly
After arriving at Venice's Marco Polo Airport, I caught the Alilaguna Water Transport directly to Rialto, then when I left Venice by train to Florence, I caught the Vaporetto from Rialto to Ferrovia, the ferry stop at the station, then straight on to the train, suitcase in the gap between the seats, and off we went, so efficient. Very easy, even for an old chic like me on a solo Italian adventure!!🥂For more info on the art of train travel in Italy, click the link to my website in the bio..#venice #grandcanal #solotravel #traintravelinitaly #italiantrains #alilaguna #alilagunaferrytoairport #vaporetto #ferrovia #venicerail #venicetrainstation #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #seekandyoushallfind #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
What is the most efficient way to get from Venice Marco Polo Airport into Venice? Alilaguna Water Bus,@alilaguna_official operate from the airport to several stops around Venice and along the Grand Canal, making it very easy for solo travellers to get yourself and your luggage to your hotel with a minimum of fuss. I stayed the lovely @rialtohotelvenice just near the Rialto Vaporetto stop, so very convenient.Click to link to my website in the bio to read bout my arrival in this watery wonder world.#venice #alilaguna #venicewaterbus #airporttransport #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #neverstopexploring #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #italianarchitecture #italianadventure #italytravel #earlyspringinitaly #solotravel #venicelights #veniceitaly #venicewalks #venicelife #venicecanals #venicetrip
Up in Lerici Castle they ran film of the battles that happened in medieval times as the beautiful Italian coastline was invaded, I spent a bit of time exploring the Castle waiting for the rain to stop before continuing my walk around the bay, then catching the bus back to La Spezia.#lerici #lericicoast ##lericicastle #gulfofpoets #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything #seekandyoushallfind #medievalcastle #medievalitaly #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives
Walking to North Sydney to catch the Metro into the city in the morning..#northsydney #walktowork #pinkflowers #sydneyharbourbridge #sydneylocal #sydneystreets #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #morningcommute
Rushing through Sydney CBD this morning on my way to work, the storms they threatened us with didn't materialise........yet!!..#Sydney #sydneylife #sydneycbd #georgestreet #yorkstreet #morningcommute #sydneylocal #sydneyaustralia🇦🇺 #lightrail #walktowork
A few flowers on trees and hanging over people's fences on the local streets...#neutralbay #neutralbaylocal #neutralbayliving #sydneysnorthshore #orangeflowers #pinkflowers #streetsofsydney #sydneystyle #sydneystyle #sydneynativeplants #sydneyaustralia #sydneystreets #sydneywalks #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
Flowers hanging over someone's fence in Neutral Bay, then on to St Leonard's Park...#stleonardspark #stleonardsparknorthsydney #yellowfliwers #yellowflowersoftheday #walkinthepark #sydneylocal #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #northsydney #sydneystreets
All the wildlife came out to see the end of 2024, before their habitat gets taken over by human wildlife all looking for a fireworks watching spot for the big show at midnight on Sydney Harbour. Further around Cremorne Point the "No Alcohol" signs were all being put up, Porta loos were being put in place, home owners were putting up signs to ask people not to climb on the fences and garden walls - the price you pay to live in this beautiful area, one night of hell to start off every new year!!#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneywildlife #sydneynorthshore #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #lizards #kookaburras #sydneybythesea #sydneyharbour #sydneyferries #boatsontheharbour
My Solo Italian Aventure took me out to La Spezia, my base for exploring Cinque Terre, Porto Venere and Lerici. Staying @hotelfirenzelaspezia was ideal, just 50 mtrs from the railway station, and a short walk through La Spezia to the harbour, all methods of transport to easily get around are all nearby. The room was very comfortable and spacious, the buffet style breakfast was delicious, and the Terminus restaurant served fantastic meals.For more info about the hotels I stayed in on my Italian Aventure, click on the link to my website in the bio.#laspezia #italybytrain #hotelfirenzeecontinentale #hotelfirenzeecontinentalelaspezia #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #seeeverythingdoeverything #hotelsinitaly #explorecinqueterre #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #passportready
Venice is beautiful in the sun 🌞, no matter where you look this watery paradise in amazing!! Can't wait to go back one day 💖#solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything #Venice #grandcanal #veniceitaly #venicecanals #hotelrialtovenice
It was incredibly hot and humid, then wild winds hammered the trees, then thunder and lightening , then it poured.........#storm #sydneystorm #thunderandlightening #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #thunderstorms #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia
Looking out from Cremorne Point on Sydney's North Shore, watch ferries go by, sailing boats, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, it's all there 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🥂..#sydneyharbour #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #boatsboatsboats #sydneyweekend #sydneylocal #myhometown #sydneyaustralia #sydneynorthshore #sydneybythesea #sydneyinsummertime
More of beautiful Venice in Piazza San Marco and out on the Grand Canal💖#Venice #veniceitaly #grandcanal #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything
The next stop on my recent solo Trip Over to Italy was Florence.....a train trip from Venice, a short flat walk to my hotel, and I was out exploring.....#florence #florenceitaly #florenceduomo #firenzecityitaly #florencetrip #michelangelosdavid #solotravelinitaly
Blue sky and sunshine, then 24 hours later all hell had broken loose. We had a massive storm, followed by lots of rain.......#stleonardspark #northsydney #blueskyandsunshine #raindrops #gumtree #walkinthepark #sydneylocal #sydneylife #sydneystorm #sydneyaustralia
On the way to work this morning, no rain, not too hot, a perfect Sydney day!!#morningcommute #walkinthepark #qvb #queenvictoriabuilding #sydneylightrail #stleonardspark #stleonardsparknorthsydney #sydneyinsummer #sydneylife
One of the fountains in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens up towards the NSW Art Gallery. I think someone needs to turn the tap on a bit more, it's lacking in oomph!!..#sydney #royalbotanicgardens #fountaininthepark #walkinthepark #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seekandyoushallfind #neverstopexplroring #sydneyweekend #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneystyle #sydneywalks
Riomaggiore is the southern most of the 5 villages in the Cinque Terre National Park, if you are not hiking you can get there very quickly by train from La Spezia, or at a more leisurely pace on a ferry. It's best to go early as even in early April by 10am the crowds are taking over the village...#solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #neverstopexploring #madeinitaly #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #italytrip #riomaggioreitaly #riomaggioretunnel #riomaggiorecinqueterreitaly #riomaggiorecinqueterre #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italianadventure #travelbyboat
Sydney' Royal Botanic Gardens starting to come to life at the end of winter. It is still winter here, but we are having hotter weather that we get in peak summer, hopefully this doesn't mean we are in for a relentlessly hot summer 😳..#royalbotanicgardens #sydneyaustralia #sydney #sydneylocal #sydneyinwinter #sydneylife #explorethecityyoulivein #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #pondinthepark #birdinthetree #reflectiononwater #reflectiononwaterisbeautiful #whiteflowers #walkinthepark
Vernazza is the 4th of the Cinque Terre villages as you head north, you can get here by train, boat or on the hiking trail, it is pretty close to Monterosso, so if you felt a short walk should be on your to-do list, this is probably the one. This is a very pretty village, but there was a lot of pre-season work going on, I was going to have lunch in one of the restaurants overlooking the the sea, but the sound of angle grinders cutting padlocks off all the railings drove me out!!!.#vernazza #vernazzaitaly #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #travelbytraininitaly #travelbytrain #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
An afternoon walk around Cremorne Point to cool off in the sea breeze, summer has arrived in Sydney!! Blue sky, blue water, lots of boats, Sydney Harbour showing off it's best side 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞..#cremornepoint #sydneyharbour #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneynorthshore #sydneybythesea #sydneylocal #myhometown #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydney #sydneyinsummertime #blueskyandsunshine #walkinthesun #seetheworldthroughmylens #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldwithme #sydneyweekend #boatsboatsboats

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