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Grand Bazaar in Istanbul

So Bazaar!!!

Trip Over to Istanbul

Built in the 1400s, the world’s oldest department store sits in the middle of old Istanbul. After walking down the hill from our apartment near Galata Tower, we caught the tram from Karakoy across Galata Bridge, past Topkapi Palace, past the Blue Mosque and around the corner getting off at Beyazit. This stop is right outside the Carsikapi Gate, one of the main entrances to the Grand Bazaar (also known as the Covered Bazaar, or Kapali Carsi).

The atmosphere is electric, there is so much to see, unfortunately most of it geared towards the tourist market, but still interesting to see all the tea glasses, coloured hanging lights, scarves, jewellery, etc, etc, etc……

We were soon at the mercy of the many carpet salesmen, trying to lure us into their shops. Some of the rugs are beautiful, but as soon as you show any interest you are almost bullied into shops and forced to listen to their stories of why their rugs are the best. My eye caught a rug design that really appealed to me in one of the shops, the owner launched into his spiel about the silk, the double knots, the time taken to make the rug and how helpful he would be in getting the rug shipped back to Australia for me. I would have loved to own that rug, but from that point on, the more he talked, the more I felt he was leading me up the garden path. His poor assistant was unrolling and showing us rug after rug, and he would have to re-roll them all afterwards. I was told all about the deal he could do for me if I would accept the delivery of 5 other rugs he would ship to a warehouse in Sydney, and my rug would be in that delivery. Much to his denial, I felt I was going to be left with all the customs clearance and import duties on all the rugs, and may never see my rug again without paying all these charges. In order to get out of there I said I would contact my own freight forwarder and get back to him. We left, both of us knowing we would never see each other again.

There was one guy who followed us all over the Bazaar, every time we went into a shop, he waited outside to see if we were ready to be taken to his shop. I asked him to leave us alone, so he moved a bit further away. We had lunch, and when we came out of the restaurant – he was there waiting………….he followed us all the way back through the Bazaar to near gates, I shouted at him which attracted the attention of the security guards, this made him back off and disappear into the crowd.

After walking miles through the labyrinth that is the Grand Bazaar, I became obsessed with a handbag. This obsession opened up a whole new adventure that we had never expected. I won’t be naming names or brands here as the fake trade is not something I want to promote. I had been told that the joke with the locals is that man with the best fakes is rarely around, as he is always in and out of the police lock up!! Maybe I hit one of those lucky rare days?

The first shop I went into and asked if they had the bag in question in black, led the lady working there to start shuffling suitcases around her tiny shop until she had exposed a trap door in the floor. She went down through the trap door and started pulling out the bag in question in every colour, except black. I continued on my search, the next shop only had the bag in red. As I came out of that shop a man associated with the first shop called out to me, “You won’t find what you are after anywhere and will eventually come back my shop, so save your time”. This made me determined to never go back to his shop, no matter what.

In a third shop, after trying to sell me all sorts of other bags, I explained that I was only looking for one type of bag not any other bag. She said she knew a man and ran off. I thought we were now getting somewhere – but no – the man she came back with was the man from the first shop. Disaster!!

Further into the Bazaar I found another handbag shop with the bag I wanted, but it was in black leather with gold coloured fittings, but now I was getting more determined, and fussier. I was now sure I wanted the bag in black patent leather with silver fittings. The lady there tried her best to sell me something else, then realising how determined (or maybe, some might say, stubborn) I was, she asked me to wait because she knew a man (I was dreading the return of the first man). She made a few phone calls, and told me someone was on their way. Rather than give up on me, my friend Christine was also fascinated by where this was all going to end, she was along for the ride too.

Fortunately, a different man appeared saying he would take us to where we could get the bag. We followed him down little corridors, upstairs, through courtyards, back downstairs, down a few more corridors (where were we going? We would never find our way back) until we arrived at an unnamed shop with newspapers stuck all over the windows, we went in and he offered us tea. This was a sign business was about to begin. First he showed me several bags in a different brand, I explained the only bag I was interested in, he disappeared and returned with the correct bag, but again with gold fittings. I tried to like it, but no, I really wanted silver. We drank more tea while he made a phone call.

Eventually a young man came in through a side door, with a sack over his shoulder. In the sack was a box, in the box was the bag – it was perfect – I figured I had found ‘the man’ between arrests. We started talking money, he named his price. I was prepared to pay less than half that, so I knocked two thirds off it. He didn’t kick me out, so I knew we were now going to haggle somewhere in between. More tea was poured, this was now serious.

He lowered his price quite a bit, I raised mine a just a little, he made a phone call, and got out a calculator (just tactics to make me think he was worried about the bottom line on his balance sheet). He lowered his price a bit more, I raised mine, just a tad. He asked me how long I was in Istanbul for, and nearly died when I said I was there for a month. He laughed and told me that usually he can get his price because the customer has to leave very soon on a cruise ship or something, he said he can’t do this for a month – I said, “I can”. He laughed again and made another phone call.

After this call he confirmed that I could pay cash, I could, we haggled a bit more. We got to within the equivalent of five or ten Australian dollars of what I was prepared to pay, he deserved at least that for the entertainment. I called it, the deal was done, cash changed hands the bag was carefully wrapped in tissue, placed into a cotton drawstring bag, then that was placed into an unmarked box, then put into an unmarked shopping bag. He explained that I must never tell anyone who or where he is. He showed us out and told us to go through the door and the end of that corridor and we would be back near the centre of the Grand Bazaar. The way in was clearly to throw us off the trail (it worked!) and I am very, very happy with my trophy. My favourite bag…….ever, not just for the style, mainly for the back story.

Now we were swept up in the crowds heading towards the Spice Market (otherwise known as the Egyptian Market). You know when you are getting close as the exotic spice aromas fill the air. Buy a fresh pomegranate juice on the way in and get ready to taste some of the delicious Turkish Delight samples you will be offered. Unless you are planning on doing some extravagant cooking, the spice stalls are just for interest. You will get to hear the family history and hear all about the combinations of various spices traditionally used in Turkish cuisine. The will offer to package them up into bags that will be accepted through customs when you go home, but as bringing food items into Australia is not allowed, I don’t imagine for a moment that unidentifiable powders and leaves from Turkey would get through! Apart from that, I have never had a use for a product known as ‘Fish Spice’, now is not necessarily the time to start – my life void of fish spice will continue…..

Outside the Spice Market is a very popular coffee shop, with queues of locals going to get their super strong ground coffee to take home. It smells fantastic, but that’s enough for me – even the strong smell is enough to put hairs on your chest. As this is not the look I am after – we move on through the vegetable and fish, on through the kitchen goods, cooking utensils, pots, pans and hardware until we are back near the Galata Bridge, and ready to take my precious handbag home, and have a glass of wine on out roof top terrace overlooking the Galata Bridge to the Bazaar Quarter.

Book a tour on your Trip Over to Istanbul

Itinerary for Trip Over to Istanbul

Flew from Sydney to Istanbul via Dubai, with Qantas/Emirates.

Stayed in an apartment near Galata Tower for a month – rented through Istanbul Place Apartments.

The apartment came with 2 transport cards, that we just needed to top up and we had tickets for all trams, funiculars and the metro.

Istanbul Place Apartments arranged for us to be picked up at the airport on arrival, and taken back at the end of our holiday.

I think this critter is a Water Dragon, apparently they live around Cremorne Point on Sydney Harbours North Shore. We just stared at each other for a while, then he ran off down into the bush towards the water...#waterdragon #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydneylife #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneyharbourbridge #sydneyharbour #sydneyoperahouse #sydneywaterdragon #cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #pinkflowers #blueskyandsunshine
For more info about train travel in Italy and where I stayed on my recent solo Italian adventure to Venice, Florence, Siena, Pisa, La Spezia and Cinque Terre - click the link to my website in the bio..#solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #italytravel #italianadventure #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
Sydney is Christmas ready, the QVB has the tree up. All the shopping centres have hauled the decorations out of storage and put them up, same as usual....they all need to swap decorations to give some variety 🎄🎄🎄#christmas #christmastree #qvb #qvbsydney #sydneychristmas #christmasdecorations #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneyarchitecture #decorationsup #shoppinginsydney #myhometown #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seeeverythingdoeverything
What is the most efficient way to get from Venice Marco Polo Airport into Venice? Alilaguna Water Bus,@alilaguna_official operate from the airport to several stops around Venice and along the Grand Canal, making it very easy for solo travellers to get yourself and your luggage to your hotel with a minimum of fuss. I stayed the lovely @rialtohotelvenice just near the Rialto Vaporetto stop, so very convenient.Click to link to my website in the bio to read bout my arrival in this watery wonder world.#venice #alilaguna #venicewaterbus #airporttransport #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #neverstopexploring #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #italianarchitecture #italianadventure #italytravel #earlyspringinitaly #solotravel #venicelights #veniceitaly #venicewalks #venicelife #venicecanals #venicetrip
After a few days in Florence I hopped on to the train again, next stop Siena, definitely one of my favourite places in Italy 💖🥂!!..#Siena #sienaitaly #sienaduomo #sienatuscany #traveltheworkdwithme #solotravelinitaly #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #medievalitaly #medievalitaliancity
My Solo Italian Aventure took me out to La Spezia, my base for exploring Cinque Terre, Porto Venere and Lerici. Staying @hotelfirenzelaspezia was ideal, just 50 mtrs from the railway station, and a short walk through La Spezia to the harbour, all methods of transport to easily get around are all nearby. The room was very comfortable and spacious, the buffet style breakfast was delicious, and the Terminus restaurant served fantastic meals.For more info about the hotels I stayed in on my Italian Aventure, click on the link to my website in the bio.#laspezia #italybytrain #hotelfirenzeecontinentale #hotelfirenzeecontinentalelaspezia #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #seeeverythingdoeverything #hotelsinitaly #explorecinqueterre #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #passportready
Corniglia is the middle village in Cinque Terre, the only village that doesn't have direct access to the sea. This is what has kept it as the lovliest and most authentic of the 5 villages. It has retained its character and hasn't sold out to tourism. Easy to get to on the train, then you either walk up a giant zig-zag staircase, or catch the shuttle bus up to the village. Or, if you are driving, Corniglia is the only village you can get to by road.#cinqueterreitaly #corniglia #cornigliacinqueterre #corniglia5terre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #madeinitaly #cornigliaitaly #solotrip #traveladdict #mediterranean #viewfromthetop #lifebythesea ##italianadventure
The next stop on my recent solo Trip Over to Italy was Florence.....a train trip from Venice, a short flat walk to my hotel, and I was out exploring.....#florence #florenceitaly #florenceduomo #firenzecityitaly #florencetrip #michelangelosdavid #solotravelinitaly
San Terenzo castle looking over the deserted beach as the boats and chairs get rolled out ready for beach weather, that actually arrived the day after I was there...#santerenzo #santerenzolerici #santerenzobeach #lerici #lericicoast #santerenzocastle #dessertedbeach #boatsboatsboats #gettingbeachready #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #daytripfromlaspezia
After walking up to the top of Lerici Castle, the drizzly rain had stopped, so I decided to walk all the way around the bay to San Terenzo, this place will be packed to the rafters, but in early April the only people around were people doing maintenance to get ready for the season.... and me.......#santerenzo #santerenzobeach #santerenzochedelgolfoepiubelfiore #santerenzolerici #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italytrip #italytravel #earlyspringinitaly #emptybeach #seasidewalk #passagiato
All the decorations are nearly down as Sydney marches into 2025, walking through @theqvb on my way to work is a beautiful way to start the day, especially as it's been soooooo hot and humidity, or raining lately, a bit of air-con helps!!!..#sydneyafterchristmas #qvbsydney #queenvictoriabuilding #queenvictoriabuildingsydney #shoppinginsydney #dailycommute #walktowork #streetsofsydney #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneystreets #sydneycbd
An afternoon walk around Cremorne Point to cool off in the sea breeze, summer has arrived in Sydney!! Blue sky, blue water, lots of boats, Sydney Harbour showing off it's best side 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞..#cremornepoint #sydneyharbour #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneynorthshore #sydneybythesea #sydneylocal #myhometown #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydney #sydneyinsummertime #blueskyandsunshine #walkinthesun #seetheworldthroughmylens #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldwithme #sydneyweekend #boatsboatsboats
Martin Place Christmas tree in Sydney CBD, seems to be a slight change from the usual covered in red and green beach balls, this year I think there are less of them, and a few pink ones have been introduced!! Come on Sydney, can we please have a new design? 🎄🥂🎅🎄🥂🎄#christmasinsydney #christmastree #martinplacesydney #martinplacechristmastree #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneycbd #sydneychristmas #sydneylocal #sydneyaustralia
It's all about eating.......🎄🥂🎊🎄!!#christmasinsydney #eatingseason #festivefoodandmood
This appealed to the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney. In reality it is an enormous work, but everything I see it a different size, it looks like something else. ...#artgallery #nswartgallerysydney #nswartgallery #artoftheday #artlover #explorethecityyoulivein #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #sydney #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal
The pond in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens, with glimpses of Sydney Harbour in the background....#royalbotanicgardens #sydney #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneyinwinter #sydneylife #explorethecityyoulivein #seekandyoushallfind #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seetheworldthroughmylens #pondinthepark #walkinthepark #sydneyharbour #sydneyharbourwalks
It was incredibly hot and humid, then wild winds hammered the trees, then thunder and lightening , then it poured.........#storm #sydneystorm #thunderandlightening #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #thunderstorms #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia
My walk towards San Terenzo from Lerici continues, past this very rocky section of the bay, towards the next empty beach.....I know this beach would have been a hive of activity the day after I was here, it was much warmer and a beautul sunny day.....but I was off to Pisa that day...#santerenzo #santerenzobeach #santerenzochedelgolfoepiubelfiore #santerenzolerici #lerici #lericicoast #lericiitaly #lericioutdoor #gulfofpoets #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #laspezia #italianadventure #italytravel #earlyspringinitaly #emptybeach #seasidewalk #traveltheworldwithme #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling
More of beautiful Venice in Piazza San Marco and out on the Grand Canal💖#Venice #veniceitaly #grandcanal #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything
The beach club on the bay between Lerici and San Terenzo, in the Gulf of Poets, Italy, just waiting for the sun to come out...#santerenzochedelgolfoepiubelfiore #santerenzo #santerenzobeach #lerici #lericicoast #lericiitaly #lericioutdoor #gulfofpoets #gulfofpoetsitaly #italianbeach #beforetheseason #solotrip #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #travelinitaly #traveladdict #traveltheworldwithme
Half way around the bay on my walk from Lerici to San Terenzo, looking over one of the beach clubs, still closed before the season starts, to Lerici Castle and the town of Lerici...#santerenzo #santerenzobeach #santerenzolerici #santerenzochedelgolfoepiubelfiore #lerici #lericicoast #lericicastle #Italiancoast #traveltheworldwithme #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #seekandyoushallfind #beforetheseason
Robertson's Lighthouse at Cremorne Point on the north shore of Sydney Harbour, and beautiful plants in the gardens on the walk, and a lovely view of Sydney Harbour Bridge....#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #robertsonslighthouse #neverstopexploring #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #blueskyandsunshine #sydneyharbour #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #sydneyharbourbridge
All the action out on Sydney Harbour last weekend🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞, this weekend it has done nothing but rain, or rain more🌧🌧🌧..#sydneyharbour #sydneynorthshore #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #myhometown #sydneylife #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #boatsboatsboats ##sydneyferries #cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk
Looking out from Cremorne Point on Sydney's North Shore, watch ferries go by, sailing boats, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, it's all there 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🥂..#sydneyharbour #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #boatsboatsboats #sydneyweekend #sydneylocal #myhometown #sydneyaustralia #sydneynorthshore #sydneybythesea #sydneyinsummertime
Walking to North Sydney to catch the Metro into the city in the morning..#northsydney #walktowork #pinkflowers #sydneyharbourbridge #sydneylocal #sydneystreets #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #morningcommute
The Snake went up in Sydney's Queen Victoria Building as soon as the Christmas Tree came down - wonder what's coming next.....?..#yearofthesnake #queenvictoriabuilding #queenvictoriabuildingsydney #shoppinginsydney #explorethecityyoulivein #sydneylocal #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneycbd
Walking around Cremorne Point from Mosman Bay out to the point, with great views everywhere you look🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞...#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #blueskyandsunshine #walkinthesun #seetheworldthroughmylens #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydney #sydneybythesea #sydneynativeplants #sydneyferries #sydneyharbour
I'm in planning mode getting ready for my next Trip Over The World. Read the new post about my planning process by clicking the link in the bio...#tripplanning #tripplanningtime #malta #sicily #solotravel #solotrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme
After climbing up hundreds of steps on a narrow stone spiral staircase, the views were amazing from the top of the magnificent, medieval Siena Duomo..#Siena #sienaduomo #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything
In Westfield shopping centre in Sydney CBD, all sparkled up a ready for Santa 🎅🎄🥂!!#sydneyaustralia #sydneylife #sydneycbd #Sydney #sydneychristmas #sydneychristmaslights #shoppinginsydney #christmasinsydney #christmasready #westfieldsydney
The Chanel Christmas window at David Jones in Sydney CBD. It's been sooooo hot lately, adding snow to pics in Sydney really helps!!😉🎄☀️🎄☀️🎄#christmasinsydney #christmastree #christmasdecorations #christmasiscoming #sydneystreets #davidjones #chanel #chanelChristmas #hotinthecity #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneystyle #sydneychristmas #sydneyaustralia #sydneycbd #sydneylocal #lunchtimewalks
In Florence I stayed @hotelatlanticpalaceflorence , just a short walk from the railway station, and an equally short walk to Duomo Firenze, Ufizzi Gallery and Ponte Vecchio. The roof top bar at the sister hotel, Hotel Machiavelli, 50 mtrs down the street has amazing views over Florence. In the hotel foyer is an amazing vase made to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Italian Constitution in 1898. The city of unbelievable art and design starts right here in the hotel 🤩. The hotel is very comfortable, safe and serves a lovely breakfast to fuel you up for a day of exploring.For more info about the hotels I stayed in on my Solo Italian Aventure, click the link to my website in the bio.#hotelatlanticpalace #hotelatlanticpalaceflorence #hotelatlanticpalacefirenze #florence #duomofirenze #viewfromtheterrace #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #italianadventure #madeinitaly #italianhistory #italytravel #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #solofemaletravel #solofemalemidlifetraveller
Blue sky and sunshine, then 24 hours later all hell had broken loose. We had a massive storm, followed by lots of rain.......#stleonardspark #northsydney #blueskyandsunshine #raindrops #gumtree #walkinthepark #sydneylocal #sydneylife #sydneystorm #sydneyaustralia
So many flowers out and about in Sydney, all along the Cremorne Point walk. #cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #flowers #redflowers #yellowflowers #pinkflowers #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneynativeplants #sydneyaustralia #sydneyinsummertime #sydneylocal #myhometown #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
All the wildlife came out to see the end of 2024, before their habitat gets taken over by human wildlife all looking for a fireworks watching spot for the big show at midnight on Sydney Harbour. Further around Cremorne Point the "No Alcohol" signs were all being put up, Porta loos were being put in place, home owners were putting up signs to ask people not to climb on the fences and garden walls - the price you pay to live in this beautiful area, one night of hell to start off every new year!!#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneywildlife #sydneynorthshore #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #lizards #kookaburras #sydneybythesea #sydneyharbour #sydneyferries #boatsontheharbour
A few flowers on trees and hanging over people's fences on the local streets...#neutralbay #neutralbaylocal #neutralbayliving #sydneysnorthshore #orangeflowers #pinkflowers #streetsofsydney #sydneystyle #sydneystyle #sydneynativeplants #sydneyaustralia #sydneystreets #sydneywalks #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
One of the fountains in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens up towards the NSW Art Gallery. I think someone needs to turn the tap on a bit more, it's lacking in oomph!!..#sydney #royalbotanicgardens #fountaininthepark #walkinthepark #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seekandyoushallfind #neverstopexplroring #sydneyweekend #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneystyle #sydneywalks
The southern end of the Queen Victoria Building being watched over by Queen Victoria, and Sydney Town Hall across the road...#qvbsydney #queenvictoriabuilding #queenvictoriastatue #sydneytownhall #sydneytownhallclocktower #lightrail #sydneylife #sydneycbd #sydneylocal
A great hotel in Venice for Solo Travellers with luggage, @rialtohotelvenice is easy to get to from the railway station or the airport with the vaporetto stop right outside on the Grand Canal. The staff are all lovely and so helpful. The location is perfect, at Rialto Bridge, you will always be able to find your way back, just keep following signs to Rialto!! I had the best time there looking out over the Grand Canal, either from my room or up on the terrace, it would be so easy to spend all your time just watching all the goings ever changing happenings on the Canal.I have written a story on my website about all the hotels I stayed in on my recent solo Italian adventure, all easy to access from transport, safe, friendly and comfortable. Click the link to my website in the bio.Not an affiliate, just giving my honest recommendations..#hotelrialto #hotelrialtovenice #grandcanal #hotelsforsolotravelers #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #neverstoptravelling #italytravel #rialtobridge #rialtobridgevenice
All the classics of Florence, the Duomo, the bell tower, the view over the autumn coloured roof tops, Ponte Vecchio, Il Porcelllino, the Uffizi Gallery and sculptures in Loggia dei Lanzi. The legend is, if you rub the snout of Il Porcellino, you will return to Florence one day - it works!!💖 So I rubbed it again this visit - see you soon Florence 🥰! #florence #firenzeduomo #domesofflorence #loggiadeilanzi #loggiadeilanzifirenze #sculptures #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #italytrip #italianadventure #alianarchitecture #ilporcellino #pontevecchio #pontevecchiofirenze #traveladdict
On my way to the bus stop the other day, I noticed the row of trees on the main road are all this weird yellowish colour where the bark has peeled off, is this normal??? Certainly not my favourite colour!!.#sydneystreets #neutralbay #sydneynorthshore #yellowgumtree #aftertherain #myhometown #onthecommute #treesinsydney #crossingtheroad #treeschangingcolour #walktowork #sydneylife #sydneynativeplants #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
On the way to work this morning, no rain, not too hot, a perfect Sydney day!!#morningcommute #walkinthepark #qvb #queenvictoriabuilding #sydneylightrail #stleonardspark #stleonardsparknorthsydney #sydneyinsummer #sydneylife
On the morning commute the sky couldn't make up it's mind - all blue sky and fluffy white clouds in one direction, and very grey in the other.....this continued all day leading into the Australia Day long weekend...#morninginspiration #morningcommute #flowersinthestreets #walkinthepark #whiteflowers #pinkflowers #sydney #sydneystyle #northsydney #stleonardspark #stleonardsparknorthsydney #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
High up in Porto Venere on the Italian coast, just south of Cinque Terre, looking over the sea from the castle. Lovely place to visit and just a short bus ride from La Spezia..#portovenere #portovenereitaly #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #neverstopexploring #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #italytrip #traveladdict #traveltheworldwithme #daytripfromlaspezia

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