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Murano Burano Photos

Murano and Burano – Out on Venice Lagoon

Trip Over to Venice

A trip out on the lagoon is a perfect way to get away from the hordes of tourists that swamp Venice each day. There are no shortage of ideas on how to get there, and everyone has a ‘better’ plan. Of course there are tours to book so all details are taken care of, or DIY on a vaporetto or two. There’s the #4.1 vaporetto from Ferrovia (the Railway Station) and do a trip around the canals before heading off towards Murano. Or the #4.1 from San Marco and just do the loop around the eastern side of Venice before heading off towards Murano. Or the #1 around the Grand Canal to San Marco and change to the #4.1 for the rest of the trip. Or you can walk to the northern side of Venice to Fondamente Nove and get on the 4.1 or 12 and get going straight out to the islands.

As Venice is small and very easy to walk around, choose the method that suits the time allowed and sightseeing requirements – it takes less time to walk to Fondamente Nove than it takes the vaporetto to get around there, but you don’t get to see Venice from the vaporetto. On the vaporetto you will be squashed in with the locals going about their daily business, the gaggles of bored school kids on school excursions, and the tourists ticking off the things they came to Venice to see before moving on to their next destination. As today was all about getting away from the crowds, we opted to have the concierge at our hotel sort our trip to the islands out for us.

After breakfast on the terrace of Al Ponte Antico Hotel looking over the Grand Canal, our water taxi driver came to meet us in the hotel foyer and led us through the streets to where he had parked the boat. Why he didn’t arrive at the hotel at its boat entrance on the Grand Canal remains a mystery, but any opportunity to walk through different little lanes and over more bridges is a plus. Maybe it was easier for him to get out to the northern side of Venice from where the boat was……. Arriving at the boat, it had been parked in by a barge that had pulled up alongside with long stabilising legs stretched out onto the concrete landing like some sort of giant insect, to keep the barge balanced as it unloaded pallets of building materials. Again, this is not a problem, just another interesting side of the way things are done in Venice. It wasn’t long before he was able to pivot the back end of the barge around so we could get our beautifully polished teak water taxi out into the canal, and off we went under bridges and winding through narrow canals until we burst out under a low bridge into the lagoon, picking up speed as Venice started shrinking into the distance behind us.

Within a few minutes we had passed Cimitero (Venice’s Cemetry Island) and pulled up at Fornace Estevan Rossetto on Murano. Our guide was there to meet us, offered a helping hand to get off the water taxi and led us in to see where the glass blowers work, as the amazing master glass blower produced a prancing horse within minutes – very impressive! Then more amazing, we found out that the demonstration horses that are made all get smashed up and recycled as more care is taken when they make ornaments to keep and they go through various other processes before they are good to sell. After the demonstration it was into the showroom to see all the artworks.

Our trip to Murano involved a ‘free’ pick up in the water taxi, a ‘no obligation to buy’ tour of the glass factory and showroom, then a ‘free’ water taxi to Burano to see the ‘no obligation to buy’ lace making.

There really were no high pressure sales tactics in the showroom, if either of us showed a particular interest in a piece our guide/salesman would appear with a bit of information on the piece, then make himself scarce again. As we weren’t on a tour with others we had unlimited time to have a good look at everything in the showroom, in great detail – there was so much to admire.

Christine saw some magnificent chandeliers that she really wanted for her home back in Sydney, lots of discussion happened as to how many lights she should have on her custom made chandelier, and the price was negotiated to something she was comfortable with. Meanwhile over a glass of Prosecco, Christine also decided she couldn’t live without a set of water glasses and I decided my life wouldn’t be the same without a sculpture by Walter Furlan from his Omaggio a Picasso collection. More negotiations took place, and the deals were done. Scarily, I was then given a thick black felt tipped pen and asked to sign my name across the sculpture so I could be sure that was the one that was shipped to me. It was, and thankfully my signature did come off easily.

This is where some might say we were being ripped off, and our ‘free’ boat trips were no longer free. But the way I see it, we got to see some amazing things, we bought some amazing memories, and at no time felt pressured to buy. To be taken to Murano on a private boat, spend time in a beautiful showroom, buy amazing things that they then package up and ship home for us was all worth it. We said goodbye to our new friends and boarded our next ‘free’ water taxi to take us from Murano to Burano.

As the boat approached Burano, we went very close to a neighbouring island, Mazzorbo (pronounced Martzorbo) with a good view of the bell tower at Chiesa Di Santa Caterina, a church originally built as part of a Benedictine Monastery in the year 785, (yes that is not a typo!) then demolished and rebuilt several times over the centuries. It is possible to walk over a bridge from Burano to Mazzorbo, we didn’t do this, but next time…………….for sure.

The first thing you notice arriving in Burano are the brightly coloured houses, each one a different colour to its neighbour. Rumour has it that this was done so the fishermen could find their way home. Now you need to apply to the council to paint your house, you are given a selection of colours to choose from, then you must use that colour – having the same colour as your neighbour just wouldn’t do.

Waiting for us in Burano as the water taxi pulled up was a young lady who knew our names and said she would take us to see how Burano lace was made, then recommend some places for us to have lunch. Having an interest in all things fashion, I was really looking forward to seeing the lace making. We were taken to a shop called La Perla, I very quickly realised that seeing lace making was going to be secondary to them try to sell things to me, to the point of annoyance! One lady came out and sat in the middle of the shop with her lace making cushion draped in a piece of lace she was making. I got the distinct impression she was told we had arrived, “quickly do a few stitches”. She seemed horrified by my interest, and a sales lady kept unpacking sheets and table cloths to show me to try and steer me away from the lace maker. I explained that I really wasn’t interested in sheets, I really wanted to know more about the lace making. They showed me some uninspiring pamphlets. I asked what was on other floors in the shop. “More lace making upstairs” came the answer. Relieved I went up to the next level expecting to see a full lace making demonstration, with all the stages from the idea to the finished product. But was so disappointed to find only more product with lace trims and the pushy sales lady getting everything out to show me. All of the products she was showing were beautiful, but not items I wanted to own, and certainly didn’t want to be faced with her holding up more things for me to look at every time I moved. I’m sure I might have been more inclined to buy something had I been left to look myself. There was going to be no escape, every time we turned around more sheets, tablecloths, doilies, nightdresses, were thrust in front of us, everything except the thing I had come to see – how the lace was made. I did buy a piece of lace that will one day trim a fabulous outfit I make, but this piece of lace wasn’t hand made in Burano. I would like to think it was made somewhere in Italy, or maybe France, but I suspect China was involved.

The lady who met us at the boat was waiting, so we explained that we would go and have lunch and have a look around Burano before making any decisions on what to buy, just so we could get out of there. She suggested a few lunch places, but Oliver at our hotel had recommended we eat at Trattoria al Gatto Nero (the Black Cat) and having lost faith in the Burano guide and her having lost interest in us she pointed in the direction we should go. We followed a path between more brightly coloured houses, took many more photos, crossed a bridge and there was al Gatto Nero, with tables all set up next to the canal……………and a queue of people waiting for a table! There was one empty table outside which we had an eye on. Christine told me she was going to try something………….She told the waiter that we were staying at Al Ponte Antico and she was sure they had made a booking for us – they had (good on you Oliver, or maybe it was Alex!!) The empty table that we had an eye on was reserved for us!

Now I know you are thinking again that we were being taken for a ride here, and everyone was getting a cut. I hope they were. I hope the hotel got a cut for recommending the restaurant and the water taxi, and hopefully the water taxi was paid for taking us to Murano where we bought our glass treasures, I’m not exactly sure what happens about the lace shop as there were no cuts to be had there, but for all the things we enjoyed enormously, I hope everyone got their cut, they all did a fantastic job.

We had the most delicious meal ever, my mouth is watering as I write about it, simple light pasta with shrimps and fresh new season baby artichokes, the waiter told us the secret was all in the butter! We got chatting with the waiter who had grown up in Venice, then moved to Burano as an adult finding that Venice had been overrun with tourists, and now cruise ships, that show no respect for the history and beauty of the island city. He has never been back, and says he won’t until at least the cruise ships stop coming. He doesn’t even go back to visit his mother, she comes to Burano to visit him.

Another glass of wine and an exquisite dessert and we were ready to explore more of Burano. There is no limit to the photos to take of rows of coloured houses and boats reflected in canals, I did try to not take photos of the washing hung out of the upper level windows of the houses, but that proved impossible – just another of the many sights in Burano!

We later visited the lace museum, which was far more informative that the shop we went to first, and a fantastic bead shop called Alla Fiera Dell’Est owned by a local lady who had recently won a small business award. We spent some time there chatting getting a bit of the Burano history, and some of the curiosities were explained like the many houses that have curtains hanging over the front doors, on the outside, apparently for privacy. If you want to leave the front door open to get some fresh air, you don’t need all the people passing looking in. Wandering in and out of shops down the main street there are plenty of things to see and people to chat with as we made our way to the ferry wharf to catch the #12 back to Fondamente Nove, our ‘free’ transport had come to an end………

Book a tour on your Trip Over to Venice

Itinerary for Trip Over to Italy – Milan, Como and Venice

Qantas flight (Emirates code share) to Milan (Malpensa) from Sydney via Dubai
Stayed in Milan, Airbnb, for a week before going to Como
Picked up in Milan by Como Limousines and driven to Como
Stayed in Como, Airbnb, for 3 weeks
Picked up in Como by Como Limousines and driven to Venice
In Venice, water taxi to Al Ponte Antico Hotel for 3 nights and water taxi back
Picked up in Venice by Como Limousines and driven back to Como
Picked up in Como by Como Limousines and driven back to Milan (Malpensa) Airport
Qantas flight (Emirates code share) to Sydney via Dubai

Sydney is Christmas ready, the QVB has the tree up. All the shopping centres have hauled the decorations out of storage and put them up, same as usual....they all need to swap decorations to give some variety 🎄🎄🎄#christmas #christmastree #qvb #qvbsydney #sydneychristmas #christmasdecorations #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneyarchitecture #decorationsup #shoppinginsydney #myhometown #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seeeverythingdoeverything
I'm in planning mode getting ready for my next Trip Over The World. Read the new post about my planning process by clicking the link in the bio...#tripplanning #tripplanningtime #malta #sicily #solotravel #solotrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme
It was incredibly hot and humid, then wild winds hammered the trees, then thunder and lightening , then it poured.........#storm #sydneystorm #thunderandlightening #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #thunderstorms #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia
One of the fountains in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens up towards the NSW Art Gallery. I think someone needs to turn the tap on a bit more, it's lacking in oomph!!..#sydney #royalbotanicgardens #fountaininthepark #walkinthepark #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seekandyoushallfind #neverstopexplroring #sydneyweekend #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneystyle #sydneywalks
This appealed to the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney. In reality it is an enormous work, but everything I see it a different size, it looks like something else. ...#artgallery #nswartgallerysydney #nswartgallery #artoftheday #artlover #explorethecityyoulivein #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #sydney #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal
Yesterday was perfect, not too hot, no humidity, a lovely walk through St Leonard's Park to the Metro, then today, foggy, drizzly, bad hair.....yuk!!..#stleonardspark #morningcommute #walkinthepark #northsydney #sydneycbd #sydneyharbourbridge #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #changeintheweather
Walking to North Sydney to catch the Metro into the city in the morning..#northsydney #walktowork #pinkflowers #sydneyharbourbridge #sydneylocal #sydneystreets #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #morningcommute
Some of the stations I became familiar with on my solo Italian adventure. Siena had the biggest step up from the platform to the train, but by the time I left Siena I was quite good at handling my luggage so it wasn't a problem, and Pisa was the easiest and my visit to Pisa was a day trip from La Spezia, without any luggage!! Although I did have to change trains in Pisa a few days later on my way back through Florence to Venice....easy 🤩!!For more info on the art of solo travel by train in Italy, click the link to my website in the bio..#traintravelinitaly #pisa #siena #Florence #laspezia #italybytrain #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #neverstopexploring #madeinitaly #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #italytrip #italy #soloitalianadventure #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #italiantrains #railwaystationsinitaly #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict
Monterosso al Mare is the only one of the five villages that are in the Cinque Terre National Park that has a beach. The village is in 2 sections separated by a rocky path where you can get great views of both areas.I caught the ferry all the way up to Monterosso from La Spezia, so I could see all the villages from the water first, then from here, I bought a 2 day Cinque Terre Pass at the station, this gives unlimited train travel, and the bus from Corniglia Station up to the village, very important!!!Day one was the ferry trip, then I wandered around Monterosso, I caught the train to the next village, Vernazza, then jumped back on the train to Manarola. Then caught the train back to La Spezia.Day two, I caught the train from La Spezia to Corniglia, then the shuttle bus up to the village. After exploring the village, I was back on the shuttle bus to the station and caught the train back to Riomaggiore, the last of the five villages to visit.#cinqueterreitaly #monterosso #monterossoalmare #monterossoalmarecinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #italianadventure #italianhistory #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldwithme #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring
It was hot, then it got very humid, lots of cloud.....maybe rain later, but there was a nice breeze on the harbour. I'm ready for summer to end....#sydneyharbour #sydneylife #sydneyharbourwalks #lookingforthebreeze #cremornepoint #sydneylocal #sydneyoperhouse #sailingonsydneyharbour #nativeaustralianflowers
Martin Place Christmas tree in Sydney CBD, seems to be a slight change from the usual covered in red and green beach balls, this year I think there are less of them, and a few pink ones have been introduced!! Come on Sydney, can we please have a new design? 🎄🥂🎅🎄🥂🎄#christmasinsydney #christmastree #martinplacesydney #martinplacechristmastree #sydney #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneycbd #sydneychristmas #sydneylocal #sydneyaustralia
On my way to the bus stop the other day, I noticed the row of trees on the main road are all this weird yellowish colour where the bark has peeled off, is this normal??? Certainly not my favourite colour!!.#sydneystreets #neutralbay #sydneynorthshore #yellowgumtree #aftertherain #myhometown #onthecommute #treesinsydney #crossingtheroad #treeschangingcolour #walktowork #sydneylife #sydneynativeplants #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
I think this critter is a Water Dragon, apparently they live around Cremorne Point on Sydney Harbours North Shore. We just stared at each other for a while, then he ran off down into the bush towards the water...#waterdragon #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydneylife #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneyharbourbridge #sydneyharbour #sydneyoperahouse #sydneywaterdragon #cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #pinkflowers #blueskyandsunshine
We're all ready for Santa here in Sydney 🎅🎄🥂!! Best wishes for tomorrow - hope you're not on the naughty list!!!!#christmasinsydney #christmasready❤️🎄🎁 #waitingforsanta #merrychristmas🎄
In Westfield shopping centre in Sydney CBD, all sparkled up a ready for Santa 🎅🎄🥂!!#sydneyaustralia #sydneylife #sydneycbd #Sydney #sydneychristmas #sydneychristmaslights #shoppinginsydney #christmasinsydney #christmasready #westfieldsydney
Vernazza is the 4th of the Cinque Terre villages as you head north, you can get here by train, boat or on the hiking trail, it is pretty close to Monterosso, so if you felt a short walk should be on your to-do list, this is probably the one. This is a very pretty village, but there was a lot of pre-season work going on, I was going to have lunch in one of the restaurants overlooking the the sea, but the sound of angle grinders cutting padlocks off all the railings drove me out!!!.#vernazza #vernazzaitaly #vernazzacinqueterre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterre #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #travelbytraininitaly #travelbytrain #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
On the walk around Cremorne Point cooling off after a hot day, beautiful gardens along the way...#cremornepoint #sydneyweekend #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneyaustralia #sydneynorthshore #sydneylocal #sydneyharbour #explorethecityyoulivein #sydneylocal #pinkflowers #boatsboatsboats #wildflowers #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme
My walk towards San Terenzo from Lerici continues, past this very rocky section of the bay, towards the next empty beach.....I know this beach would have been a hive of activity the day after I was here, it was much warmer and a beautul sunny day.....but I was off to Pisa that day...#santerenzo #santerenzobeach #santerenzochedelgolfoepiubelfiore #santerenzolerici #lerici #lericicoast #lericiitaly #lericioutdoor #gulfofpoets #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #laspezia #italianadventure #italytravel #earlyspringinitaly #emptybeach #seasidewalk #traveltheworldwithme #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling
Flowers are out and about on the Cremorne Point walk!! ..#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #sydneylocal #sydney #sydneywalks #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydneybythesea #sydneyinsummertime #yellowflowers #pinkflowers #redflowers #sydneynativeplants
Looking out from Cremorne Point on Sydney's North Shore, watch ferries go by, sailing boats, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, it's all there 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🥂..#sydneyharbour #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #boatsboatsboats #sydneyweekend #sydneylocal #myhometown #sydneyaustralia #sydneynorthshore #sydneybythesea #sydneyinsummertime
Walking around Cremorne Point from Mosman Bay out to the point, with great views everywhere you look🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞...#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #blueskyandsunshine #walkinthesun #seetheworldthroughmylens #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydney #sydneybythesea #sydneynativeplants #sydneyferries #sydneyharbour
Lerici is on the southern headland of the Gulf of Poets in Italy, previous post was from Porto Venere on the northern headland. These 2 towns are so much nicer than the villages in Cinque Terre which have pretty much sold out to tourism. It was a cooler drizzly day when I caught the bus from La Spezia to Lerici, on the recommendation of a lady in a handbag shop in La Spezia (yes , I bought the handbag💖!!) I had a great day exploring the medieval castle then walking around the bay. The rain had stopped, so walking for miles exploring was great..#lerici #lericicastle #lericicoast #lericiitaly #italianarchitecture #italianhistory #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #historicitaly #lookouttower #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithmey #traveladdict #travelinitaly #medievalitaly #italianadventure #goitalone #itstherefindit
A great hotel in Venice for Solo Travellers with luggage, @rialtohotelvenice is easy to get to from the railway station or the airport with the vaporetto stop right outside on the Grand Canal. The staff are all lovely and so helpful. The location is perfect, at Rialto Bridge, you will always be able to find your way back, just keep following signs to Rialto!! I had the best time there looking out over the Grand Canal, either from my room or up on the terrace, it would be so easy to spend all your time just watching all the goings ever changing happenings on the Canal.I have written a story on my website about all the hotels I stayed in on my recent solo Italian adventure, all easy to access from transport, safe, friendly and comfortable. Click the link to my website in the bio.Not an affiliate, just giving my honest recommendations..#hotelrialto #hotelrialtovenice #grandcanal #hotelsforsolotravelers #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #neverstoptravelling #italytravel #rialtobridge #rialtobridgevenice
On the morning commute the sky couldn't make up it's mind - all blue sky and fluffy white clouds in one direction, and very grey in the other.....this continued all day leading into the Australia Day long weekend...#morninginspiration #morningcommute #flowersinthestreets #walkinthepark #whiteflowers #pinkflowers #sydney #sydneystyle #northsydney #stleonardspark #stleonardsparknorthsydney #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
The next stop on my solo Italian adventure was La Spezia, I caught the train from Siena, one change along the way. That went well, I was a bit scared because there was only 6 minutes to change, but the train I was changing to came in on the other side of the platform I was on, perfect!! La Spezia was my base for exploring Cinque Terre and the surrounding area, I checked into @hotelfirenzelaspezia which was just near the station, and set off exploring the town and harbour...#laspezia #laspeziaharbourside #laspeziacentro #robertwagner #solotravel #italytrip #madeinitaly #traveladdict #travelinitaly #neverstopexporing #traveltheworldwithme #neverstoptravelling #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything
After arriving at Venice's Marco Polo Airport, I caught the Alilaguna Water Transport directly to Rialto, then when I left Venice by train to Florence, I caught the Vaporetto from Rialto to Ferrovia, the ferry stop at the station, then straight on to the train, suitcase in the gap between the seats, and off we went, so efficient. Very easy, even for an old chic like me on a solo Italian adventure!!🥂For more info on the art of train travel in Italy, click the link to my website in the bio..#venice #grandcanal #solotravel #traintravelinitaly #italiantrains #alilaguna #alilagunaferrytoairport #vaporetto #ferrovia #venicerail #venicetrainstation #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #outonthewater #seekandyoushallfind #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
I travelled by train between destinations on my solo adventure to Venice, Florence, Siena, Pisa, La Spezia and Cinque Terre. Very easy to use, booking through @trainline I became very adept at handling my luggage on my own, changing trains and enjoying hurtling through Italy in comfort. For more info on the art of train travel in Italy by clicking the link to my website in the bio..#traintravelinitaly #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italiantrains #cinqueterre #cinqueterreitaly #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast
For more info about train travel in Italy and where I stayed on my recent solo Italian adventure to Venice, Florence, Siena, Pisa, La Spezia and Cinque Terre - click the link to my website in the bio..#solotravelinitaly #solotravel #solotrip #italytravel #italianadventure #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
Corniglia is the middle village in Cinque Terre, the only village that doesn't have direct access to the sea. This is what has kept it as the lovliest and most authentic of the 5 villages. It has retained its character and hasn't sold out to tourism. Easy to get to on the train, then you either walk up a giant zig-zag staircase, or catch the shuttle bus up to the village. Or, if you are driving, Corniglia is the only village you can get to by road.#cinqueterreitaly #corniglia #cornigliacinqueterre #corniglia5terre #cinqueterrenationalpark #cinqueterrecoast #solotravelinitaly #solotravel #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #traveltheworldwithme #madeinitaly #cornigliaitaly #solotrip #traveladdict #mediterranean #viewfromthetop #lifebythesea ##italianadventure
Sydney' Royal Botanic Gardens starting to come to life at the end of winter. It is still winter here, but we are having hotter weather that we get in peak summer, hopefully this doesn't mean we are in for a relentlessly hot summer 😳..#royalbotanicgardens #sydneyaustralia #sydney #sydneylocal #sydneyinwinter #sydneylife #explorethecityyoulivein #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #pondinthepark #birdinthetree #reflectiononwater #reflectiononwaterisbeautiful #whiteflowers #walkinthepark
This is typical of the style of buildings along the waterfront in Lerici, they all have a great view out over the bay....#lerici #lericicoast #lericiitaly #italianarchitecture #italianhistory #madeinitaly #tripovertoitaly #traveltheworldwithme #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #seekandyoushallfind #seetheworldthroughmylens #colourfulbuildings #lacebalconies #walkalongthebay #solotravel #solotrip #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything
Arriving in the beautiful medieval city of Siena, I checked into @relaisdegliangeli , a lovely boutique hotel. It felt like home 💖. Siena is definitely one of my favourite places in Italy, Made even better by this hotel, it is easy to get to from the railway station or the bus station, the staff are friendly and helpful, the breakfast is amazing!!Click the link to my website in the bio for more info on the hotels I stayed in on my Solo Italian adventure.I'm not an affiliate, this is just an honest recommendation.#siena #sienaitaly #sienatrip @relaisdegliangeli #italianhotels #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #neverstopexploring #traveladdict #neverstoptravelling #solotrip #solofemaletravel #solomidlifefemaletraveler #boutiquehotelsoftheworld #italianadventure #relaisdegliangelisiena
High up in Porto Venere on the Italian coast, just south of Cinque Terre, looking over the sea from the castle. Lovely place to visit and just a short bus ride from La Spezia..#portovenere #portovenereitaly #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #neverstopexploring #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #italytrip #traveladdict #traveltheworldwithme #daytripfromlaspezia
All the wildlife came out to see the end of 2024, before their habitat gets taken over by human wildlife all looking for a fireworks watching spot for the big show at midnight on Sydney Harbour. Further around Cremorne Point the "No Alcohol" signs were all being put up, Porta loos were being put in place, home owners were putting up signs to ask people not to climb on the fences and garden walls - the price you pay to live in this beautiful area, one night of hell to start off every new year!!#cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneywildlife #sydneynorthshore #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #sydneylocal #sydneycoastalwalks #lizards #kookaburras #sydneybythesea #sydneyharbour #sydneyferries #boatsontheharbour
Christmas is coming to The Stand Arcade in Sydney, same decorations every year, but they always look good here 🎄🎄🎄#strandarcade #strandarcadesydney #christmasatthestrand #christmasdecorations #christmasinsydney #decorationsup #shoppinginsydney #myhometown #sydneylife #sydneystyle #seeeverythingdoeverything #sydneyaustralia #sydneychristmas #sydneycbd
So many flowers out and about in Sydney, all along the Cremorne Point walk. #cremornepoint #cremornepointwalk #flowers #redflowers #yellowflowers #pinkflowers #sydneyweekend #sydneynorthshore #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneyharbourwalks #sydneybythesea #sydneynativeplants #sydneyaustralia #sydneyinsummertime #sydneylocal #myhometown #seekandyoushallfind #seeeverythingdoeverything #seetheworldthroughmyeyes
On the way to work this morning, no rain, not too hot, a perfect Sydney day!!#morningcommute #walkinthepark #qvb #queenvictoriabuilding #sydneylightrail #stleonardspark #stleonardsparknorthsydney #sydneyinsummer #sydneylife
All the decorations are nearly down as Sydney marches into 2025, walking through @theqvb on my way to work is a beautiful way to start the day, especially as it's been soooooo hot and humidity, or raining lately, a bit of air-con helps!!!..#sydneyafterchristmas #qvbsydney #queenvictoriabuilding #queenvictoriabuildingsydney #shoppinginsydney #dailycommute #walktowork #streetsofsydney #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #sydneystyle #sydneylife #sydneystreets #sydneycbd
More of beautiful Venice in Piazza San Marco and out on the Grand Canal💖#Venice #veniceitaly #grandcanal #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything
Blue sky and sunshine, then 24 hours later all hell had broken loose. We had a massive storm, followed by lots of rain.......#stleonardspark #northsydney #blueskyandsunshine #raindrops #gumtree #walkinthepark #sydneylocal #sydneylife #sydneystorm #sydneyaustralia
Some of the places I visited on my solo Italian adventureTop row - Venice, Florence, SienaBottom row - La Spezia, Porto Venere, LericiFor info on where I stayed and how I got there, travelling solo with luggage, click the link to my website in the bio...#venice #basilicasanmarco #florence #pontevecchio #siena #sienabelltower #laspezia #portovenere #lerici #Italy #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #italytrip #italianadventure #alianarchitecture #solotravelinitaly #neverstopexploring #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #historicitaly
Venice is beautiful in the sun 🌞, no matter where you look this watery paradise in amazing!! Can't wait to go back one day 💖#solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #madeinitaly #neverstopexploring #traveltheworldwithme #traveladdict #italytrip #seeeverythingdoeverything #Venice #grandcanal #veniceitaly #venicecanals #hotelrialtovenice
Flowers hanging over someone's fence in Neutral Bay, then on to St Leonard's Park...#stleonardspark #stleonardsparknorthsydney #yellowfliwers #yellowflowersoftheday #walkinthepark #sydneylocal #sydneylife #sydneyaustralia #northsydney #sydneystreets
San Terenzo Castle has been looking over the town and beach since the 12th century, it has seen some stuff in it's time!! All around the base of the castle is full of kayaks storage and other small boats waiting for a summer out on the bay...#santerenzo #santerenzocastle ##santerenzobeach #medievalitaly #italianhistory #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #castles_oftheworld #kayaksandboats #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #solotrip #seeeverythingdoeverything #traveltheworldworldwithme #traveladdict #travelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #historygeek #historicitaly #lookouttower #madeinitaly
Oratorio di San Rocco, the small church with the clock and bell tower in Lerici, one of the more modern churches in the area, having opened in 1523!!..#lerici #lericicoast #lericiitaly #italianarchitecture #italianhistory #madeinitaly #oratoriodisanrocco #oratoriodisanroccolerici #solotravel #solotravelinitaly #italytrip #seetheworldthroughmyeyes #historicbuildingsenrichourlives #oldbuildingsmakemehappy #historicitaly #belltower #clocktower #exploretheworld #neverstopexploring #seeeverythingdoeverything

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