Christmas Eve in London

Piccadilly Arcade

Christmas Lights

Christmas Eve in London

Christmas in London is very intense, the lights and decorations are amazing! The big advantage here, as compared to Sydney, is that it gets dark by 4.30pm so everyone is out and about enjoying it. In Sydney it is not dark enough until 8.30pm at Christmas time.

It doesn’t matter which direction you go, there is plenty to see. I did over hear a conversation the other day, where a man was telling his friends that he is bored with the whole London lights thing because it’s the same every year, so I guess if you live here, you would get over it (I feel the same way about the Martin Place Christmas Tree in Sydney!!) But for visitors – it is stunning!!

The crowds are unbelievable and the people who think they have special rights because they are setting up for an Instagram photo session and don’t want other people in their shot – well we don’t want you in our shots either babe!!

I took advice from the locals who suggest walking up the median strips on Piccadilly and Regent St for the best view of the lights above the streets, but I did spend a good deal of time crossing the roads from side to side. The shops all seemed to be doing a good trade with last minute shoppers too, which must be a relief for them in their first post-Covid affected Christmas.

Looking down all the little arcades, like the Piccadilly Arcade and the Burlington Arcade there were more lights and decorations.

From Regent St I headed to the bottom end of South Molton Street, and walked up through all the blue arches to Oxford St. Then back down Bond St, the crowds were less by the time I got to Bond St, maybe everyone heads for the famous Regent St Angels first (including me!)

I walked for miles, the temperature was quite mild, and there was no rain – you can’t ask for more than that – or maybe a bit of snow would have been nice???!!

Claridges Hotel
South Molton Lane
Brook St
New Bond St

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Meanwhile, to read more of my stories about previous Trips Over to London click here

I flew from Sydney to London with Qatar Airways
